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While marketing generally subscribes to the notion of ‘you get what you pay for’, many businesses have found success by adopting various low cost measures which aim to fully utilise your social following and online presence. Here are some of the best penny pinching marketing strategies to get bang for your buck.

Tapping into a trending real world cause can mobilise an audience and boost awareness of your brand. Modern consumers vote with their dollars. Meaning that the values that your brand exhibits are core to the relationship between the consumer and your brand. If you are considering taking a social stand, gauging the audience reaction/reception of similar campaigns could be a good first step.

Blog, vlog or dog?
Keeping the flow of fresh content continuing can be a time consuming and expensive process. Consider blogging to fill in the gaps. Sharing industry tips, product news or highlighting staff contributions can be an easy way to create content to ensure you never leave your consumers mind for too long. Or just post a photo of your dog, it can be just as effective.
Assistance required
Can you provide clarity on an issue? If possible, creating an instructional video aimed at creating a solution for an existing problem within your industry is a great way to gain attention by providing value for your audience.
Under the influence(r)
Motivate your audience to create user generated content to become satellite brand ambassadors. This can be achieved with discount codes, giveaway competitions or even cash prizes. While a once off promotion will boost your subscriber numbers in the short term, incorporating regular calls to action through prizes can help retain your audience and avoid a dip in your metrics.

Make friends
Contributing to a social media group in the realm of your brands industry, i.e. Facebook groups, can provide engagement from large groups of users with a common shared interest. Tapping into one of these free resources could provide you with an increase in brand awareness amongst a highly concentrated niche group. Hard selling to these groups will be counter active, instead try offering advice or helpful resources.

Get in touch to find out how we can help get your cost effective campaign started and set you up for long term success.

BROKENIMAGE Creative is a full-service marketing and advertising agency specialising in photography, videography, graphic design, website development, digital marketing and digital content creation.

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Author Taylor Wright

Hi, I’m Taylor. A professional photographer, videographer and all-around content creator living in Hobart, Tasmania.

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